Here's some news from our friends at Caught By The River about their forthcoming book by Neil Sentance, illustrated by printmaker Jonathan Gibbs...
"We’re pretty bloody delighted to be able to announce that we’re publishing Neil Sentance’s Water and Sky: Voices from the Riverside, our first original title in May. After a couple of fantastic compendiums (Words on Water and On Nature), this book is an original by a longtime Caught by the River contributor; and that’s being published in association with the ever-brilliant Little Toller. Lauded by Robert Macfarlane as ‘a marvellous and haunting sequence’, the book revisits Neil’s native Lincolnshire riverlands and fields, farms and market towns, to explore the history of his family and the landscape which shaped them. It’s not a lament for a lost world. It’s a story peopled by characters forgotten by history, celebrating the countryside with a rare combination of lyricism and muddy realism."
Read in full and pre-order a copy from Caught By The River.
You can see Jonathan Gibbs' wood engravings over at our online gallery. And here's his screen printed fabric for St Jude's, Herring Moon.
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