Interrobang: an international showcase of letterpress print forms part of Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft's The Village of Type programme.
Selected by a panel of typographers and designers, this open submission exhibition forms part of Ditchling’s popular Artists’ Open House trail and takes place in the beautiful former studios of painter Sir Frank Brangwyn. The exhibition features the work of contemporary letterpress artists from as far afield as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Ireland, The Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA.
We're delighted to have been involved in this project and have produced a Random Spectacular journal dedicated to the event.
The diversity of the exhibition is reflected with an example of work by each of the contributing artists alongside additional articles that take a look at the idiosyncratic approach to typography of Ditchling's printing press St Dominic's. We also talk to Alan Kitching about his work and inspirations and find out more about the activities of the Occasional Print Club, whilst The Counter Press look at the role and relevance of the recent revival in letterpress and Anthony Burrill takes us on a tour of a printing works in a hidden corner of Rye. Take a look inside Interrobang.
The exhibition continues at Jointure Studios (just down the road from Ditchling Museum of Art + Craft) until 30th May 2016. Find out more.
Our Random Spectacular journal, Interrobang, is now available to purchase online via our St Jude's Prints online gallery.
Dynamo Works 'House'
The Print Project 'Shapednoise / Blood Music / Joanne / Boe&Lx poster for Golden Cabinet'
Dafi Kühne 'Januarloch'
Geri McCormick 'Viva'
The front cover of our Random Spectacular journal, featuring an interrobang printed by Thomas Mayo.
Our feature on the work of Alan Kitching Find out more.
Our look at the idiosyncratic approach to typography of Ditchling's printing press St Dominic's Find out more.
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