In April 2015 we hosted a show of Jonny Hannah's work in Edinburgh entitled The Darktown Billets-Doux - an exhibition paintings, prints and other flotsam and jetsam.
Jonny created a large mural for us and we also launched his new wallpaper for St Jude's Fabrics and Papers.
Born & bred in Dunfermline, Jonny Hannah studied illustration at Liverpool Art School and then the Royal College of Art.
Since graduation in 1998 he has been working both as a commercial designer & illustrator (his clients include The Daily Telegraph, The New York Times & The St. Kilda Courier) and printmaker, creating wonderful screen printed books, posters and prints for his own Cakes & Ale Press.
If you'd like to hear more about Jonny's work and other St Jude's exhibitions and events, please sign up for our e-mail newsletter.